Each week, we explore Hillary Clinton's universe, gleaning insights from rumor-mongers, pundits, pollsters, writers and more. Yes, the election is still a bazillion years away, but when it comes to the story of the potential first female president ever (!!), it's never too early to start the conversation.
It was the Best of Times . . . Hillary Announces She's Thinking of Running
The major, exhilarating, hyper-analyzed news this week was Hillary's admission that (drumroll please)...she is thinking of running! That's right, she is considering maybe running perhaps!
While it seems ridiculous to hyperventilate about this very wishy-washy announcement, in the world of politics, it is pretty damn significant. Shrewd politicians (and Hills is one of the shrewdest) know that any little admission will be blown up and proliferated by the pundits. There's no way she would've said this unless it was a calculated move to announce she's very seriously considering a run, likely laying the groundwork for an official announcement in the coming months.
So, yeah. This pretty much dominated the news cycle. At least until . . .
It was the Worst of Times . . . Hillary Gets Shoe Thrown at Head
How ticked off is Hills right now that her careful near-announcement moment was quickly trumped in the news cycle by some rando chucking a shoe at her head? Alas, one couldn't click a website anywhere without being accosted with news of the Great Shoe Hurl of 2014. For those who missed it, here's the rundown: a woman known to be a little nuts tossed a shoe at Hills during a talk at Mandalay Bay Resort in Vegas. Hillary deftly avoided the flying object and the attacker was charged with disorderly conduct. The end.
From the headlines, though, you'd think this was the craziest thing to ever happen ever! Our "favorite"? This paranoid, panting, overstuffed gem from Radar:
It Was the Most Ignored of Times . . . Hills Talks Women and No One Listens
Right after the shoe debacle, Hills flew to San Jose to give another speech in which she talked about women's rights and struggles. Did you miss it? That's probably because almost nobody covered it.
In any case, Hillary told the audience of mostly females that "too many women face glass ceilings." And:
Don’t let women’s concerns and fears undermine what could be the greatest moment in history for women. This is the moment. We all can seize it.
But who cares about that? Someone threw a shoe at Hillary!
The Lowdown
Between her pseudo-announcement and Shoegate, this was by far the most high-profile week for Hillary since we started these roundups. In between all the chatter, she continued to stay strong in the polls, with solid numbers in the battleground state of Iowa and the best favorability rankings of all potential nominees in a national poll.
What will happen next week in the land of Hill? (Perhaps a sock throw?!) Stay tuned for our next roundup!
Image: Wikimedia Commons